How to Dash Back Out of Crouch Melee
Cactuar Dashing is the act of dashing forward or backward out of your crouch animation. Well, how do you do it? Is it a hard Tech to do? Let me answer these questions for you.
What's a Cactuar Dash?
As I said, Cactuar Dashing is the act of dashing forward or backward out of your crouch. Here you can see a Cactuar Dash being done frame by frame. If you look at the frames on the top, you could see that you have to dash back during your "SQUATWAIT" frames, which is a 1 frame timing. If you're 1 frame late, you'll be in your "SQUATRV" frames where you are unable to move. So in short, in order to Cactuar Dash, you have to be frame perfect.
Is Cactuar Dashing hard to do?
Yeah, it is hard to do. Negativity aside, just with enough practice, you'll be able to do it consistently. However, Cactuar Dashing is also controller reliant.
How to Cactuar Dash
To Cactuar Dash you hold down on your joystick and YANK it to the direction you want to dash in. Don't complain to me if you broke your controller during the yank.
Keep in mind that the timing of your input is what matters. Also keep in mind the fact that this Tech is controller reliant.
What are the uses of Cactuar Dashing?
Cactuar Dashing is useful for many things, like mind games and Tech chasing.
If you play Melee, you should know that when you're running with your character for an specific amount of frames, you'll do this sloppy, laggy slide.
However, while you're in those running frames, (they are actually called running frames) you are able to cancel your run with a crouch.
Have you caught up yet? Obviously, if you're able to cancel your run with your crouch, you can alter your run frames with Cactuar Dashing! So let me give you an example. When you're in your running frames, you can crouch to cancel your run and Cactuar Dash back.
Why don't you just Dash Dance instead?
You are only able to Dash Dance during your "DASH" frames. If you dash for too long, you'll be in your "RUN" frames, where you'll do a slide.
The average Melee player should be able to know just how far every character is able to dash until they are unable to Dash Dance. However, with Cactuar Dashing, you can trick their knowledge of the game and look like you're Dash Dancing during your running frames.
However, keep in mind that there are multiple options in Melee and that you should use the best option that fits your situation. Basically what I'm saying is that you use Cactuar Dashing in certain situations, like Tech Chasing.
How to use Cactuar Dash during Tech Chases?
You can cover all Tech options if you combine reaction Tech Chasing, Cactuar Dashing and Crouch Canceling.
You should only use Cactuar Dashing during Tech Chases when you react to a missed Tech because your input will be delayed because you'll be in your crouch frames if your opponent Techs.
You know what happens if you get hit by a move while you're crouching at a low percent? That's right, you Crouch Cancel.
If the person you're Tech Chasing misses their Tech, you can react to it and crouch. If they getup attack, you will Crouch Cancel it and be able to follow up with an attack. If they roll, you can react to it and use Cactuar Dashing to follow up with a move. If they do a regular getup, you can react to it and Jump Cancel out of your crouch to grab the person you're Tech Chasing.
Players like Wizzrobe (who Tech Chases a lot) use Cactuar Dashing while Tech Chasing.
Cactuar Dashing is a very useful Tech because it helps you in Tech Chasing, in altering your run, in mixing up your opponent, and many more things that you could find out for yourself.
How to Dash Back Out of Crouch Melee
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